Tim Veletta

I’m Tim, a software developer based in Perth, Australia. I am enthusiastic about creating simple, enjoyable and easy to use products and strive to find the right balance between aesthetic and function.

Recent Articles

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Array vs Set vs Object vs Map

While I'm knee deep in technical interviews, I thought I'd do a bit of a deep dive into these commonly misunderstood JavaScript data structures and provide a view on when you'd use one of the other.

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Developers should give a shit about design

If I had a dollar for every time I heard the phrase "I'm no good at design, so that's why I became a developer," I would be rich. Lets explore how developers can better educate themselves in design and the benefits of getting involved in the design process.

My Work

WA Dash Plumbing & Gas

WA Dash is a plumbing and gas company here in Perth. When they were starting up they asked me to create a simple website that will allow potential clients to find them online. I originally built the site using Gatsby but have more recently rewritten it with Astro which included a visual refresh.

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TeleBlast is a local-multiplayer game where you and up to 3 friends compete to be the last one standing using explosive teleportation. What started out as something I built in 48 hours for Global Game Jam; it became an idea worth exploring further and eventually led to me showcasing the game at PAX Australia in 2018.

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